CSA – 2021, Week 2

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CSA 2021, Week 2: This week Elysian Fields Farm sent us sweet potatoes, carrots, green garlic, lettuce and kale!
CSA 2021 Week 2 Produce
Sweet Potatoes, Green Garlic, Carrots, Lettuce and Kale

This Week’s Loot

This week Elysian Fields Farm sent us sweet potatoes, carrots, green garlic, lettuce and kale!

I espoused on the wonderfulness of green garlic in last week’s post. Follow the link if you are interested. 

You can de-stem kale like a zip lock!
You can de-stem kale like a zip lock!

You may already know this, but if not, it’s a total game changer. You can remove the stem from kale as simply as you open one of those slide type zip lock bags. Just grab the base of the stem in one hand, press with two fingers on the side of the stem with your other hand, and pull through. This works great with most varieties of kale. Collard leaves are too tough for this trick, and chard stems are too tender for this trick. But kale, that’s the sweet spot. 

Also, if you do de-stem leafy vegetables, don’t through out the stems. You can dice them up and throw them in with the aromatics of whatever dish you are creating.  I do this in the What’s Cookin’ recipe offered up for this week’s CSA delivery: Sweet Potato and Kale Risotto

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