Blueberries are certainly a highlight of this week’s CSA share. Delicious on their own, and great in pies and muffins and the like. But I like to twist things up a bit and use them as in savory dishes. These guys are destined for blueberry chutney. And look at those potatoes. They totally look like dinosaur eggs! Komatsuna is an Asian green. It’s welcome to have some greens available in the Carolinas in mid-summer. That, along with the eggplant, is making me think bowls of summer ramen. And, finally, a pint of sungold tomatoes. Most people who know their tomato varieties rank sungold amongst the best tasting. I often include some sungolds in a mixed tomato plate, but my favorite way of enjoying them is just to pop them in my mouth. No embellishment necessary.