About Thought 4 Food
- Do you enjoy delicious food?
- Would you like to eat healthier?
- Are you concerned about your community and the planet?
- Do you want to up your kitchen game?
- Are you curious about where your food comes from and how it’s produced?

Conscious Gastronomy
conscious adjective
con·scious | \ ˈkän(t)-shəs \
perceiving, apprehending, or noticing with a degree of controlled thought or observation
gastronomy noun
gas·tron·o·my | \ ga-ˈsträ-nə-mē \
The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food.
I seriously considered naming this site ConsciousGastronomy.com. “The practice or art of choosing, cooking and eating good food with a degree of controlled thought or observation” perfectly describes my intentions for this website. But, my wife advised that it was too esoteric and might not “stick” with many people.
So, I decided to play on the phrase “food for thought” to propose that food is worthy of more thought than it gets. Unfortunately, domain squatters were sitting on all forms of “thought for food” on the major top level domains (.com, .net and .org). I had to consider alternative domain options. This may have been fortunate, as I feel .life is nicely appropriate to the nature of this site. Hence thought4food.life was born.
Thought4Food.Life will certainly feature a lot about cooking. Presently, I cook vegetable forward meals featuring whole, seasonal ingredients. But, there was a time when I was working full time and feeding a family. Speed and convenience was as much a priority as taste and nutrition. I get that different people are in different life situations, so I’ll try to have something for everyone. There will be recipes, but more important is the illustration of cooking principles to make you more comfortable and more successful in the kitchen.
Beyond cooking, I also hope to encourage people to, well… think about food. You don’t have to go too far back in history to a time when most people spent the majority of their time and wealth on food and shelter. Certainly, that is still the case for some today. But, the majority of people in the United States take food for granted. The amount of attention that people pay to food varies, but there is a common desire for food to be cheap, tasty and convenient. I hope to motivate people to consider their food choices. You really can make a difference for yourself, your family, your community, and the planet. And the great thing is that this doesn’t have to be a sacrifice. Responsible food choices can be delicious food choices.